Bethany Londyn

Dec 20, 202223 min


Updated: Jan 28, 2023

Bethany Londyn 0:03

All right, I am so excited to be here today with Heather. I was introduced to her from a mutual friend who was like, I just really feel like you need to meet my friend Heather. You guys have a lot to talk about. And then, yes, and as I learn more about her, I'm like, Oh, my goodness, I need to interview you for my podcast, because she is quantumly being in business in life. In fact, she's quantum leap to now is figuring out the balance of it. All. Right, right. As you expand.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 0:33


Bethany Londyn 0:34

Yeah. So let's have you Yeah, share share with us about the magic that is your what are you creating and bringing to the world.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 0:43

So just I'll tell a little bit about my background and what I do. So I originally was trained as a registered dietician. So I went to school many years ago. But then, and I did start, I mean, I went right into that after college and worked a lot with eating disorders and people's relationship with their food, and their body. Primarily, I mean, a lot of us go into that field, because we have our own issues. So that was a way for me to heal myself. And then back in 2004, is when I actually got introduced, I was working with an endocrinologist and started to become passionate about essentially, functional medicine, which if people don't know what that is, it is using therapeutic doses of nutrients and or botanicals to treat and prevent disease, versus using pharmaceuticals. So functional medicine and hormone hormones and how the endocrine system works, kind of became my, just, I just became passionate about it. And I wanted to learn everything. And so, you know, 18 years later, I guess, I am really, you know, fully versed in that I have a thriving practice.

Bethany Londyn 2:06

She does, it's hard to get her to even text you back.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 2:10

This is true, this is true. But you know, and that's where I'm working on my balance a little bit more, obviously. But, um, no, I think that, you know, you know, what I really essentially do is help patients become healthier find, I deal with a lot of people that have fallen through the cracks of the medical conventional medical system. And what I mean by that, just to be a little bit more specific, is that, you know, the, the entire medical model, which, by the way, was trained in this, you know, by proxy, right, working with physicians, but then I also went to ongoing education, and, you know, learning about the integrative approach, you learn to look at the patient as a whole person. And when you look at conventional medicine, and the way that doctors are trained, and even my good friends, and my supervising MD will tell you this, this is just we don't learn this stuff. This is how we're learning. We are taught and sort of, you know, drilled into our brains, but it's all about ruling out, right, ruling out what it isn't, and then treating the symptoms. So whereas what I do is the opposite, it's really getting to the source of the problem and going from there. And I think that you can relate to that, because obviously, when we're healing people we're going, you know, want to go to the root. Right, exactly. That's why they're such a compliment, because I do believe that both, you know, all of these modalities are so important to someone's health overall. It's not just the empirical data, right, that you see, and you can check, although that is important, it gives me a lot of information. It's also very important to look at, you know, the connections to our emotional experiences, our traumas, and what areas have we not worked out yet? Right? And because I was gonna story, yeah, go for it.

Bethany Londyn 4:06

I mean, I. So at the age of 30, I was getting divorce. And I'm like, TMI, and I think we're just gonna go there. I hadn't had my period for a year during that process. And my friends, like, I think you really knew the doctor. So go to the doctor, and she's was really awkward with me, when normally she's super friendly and communicative. And then it turns out that she was concerned about what she was going to say to me. So she wanted to triple check, like my blood work or something with somebody. And so later that afternoon, when she didn't tell me, but later that afternoon, I got a call from the doctor and she's like, so I just don't think you're ever going to be able to have kids and I'm 30 and I'm like, What, are you kidding now? And then I was referred to a naturopathic doctor who specializes in hormones and went and saw her and she's like, No, no, no, no, no, no. You don't have the PCOS or whatever. I don't know that I didn't have that. So she was like, we just need to take out stress from your life. And at the time I was moving to LA I'm like, no guarantee. Right? I'm making like a life move right now. But she had me doing like concoctions tinctures, the moon, acupuncture, doing bloodwork, like, and then we got to the point where my blood work had shifted. And then I checked a year later and it's like, okay, you pregnant and I'm like, okay, great.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 5:31

Awesome. Yeah. And, you know, I've heard that more than once about PCOS, which and for people who are listening that don't know what that is, it's Polycystic Ovarian disease, which is sounds way more scary than it actually is. But I've had many doctors tell patients, and I think it's really kind of irresponsible to do that. Because there are plenty of women who have, all it means is you have one or many tiny cysts on or near your ovaries. Right. And so that doesn't necessarily mean that you can't ever have kids. I mean, I know people that have had that. And they still go on to have normal pregnancies. So I mean, I just think that's a little, it can traumatize people, when when

Bethany Londyn 6:12

I could have taken the doctor's information as truth. And that would have been it, had I not had the guidance to go somewhere else and get an opinion. You know,

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 6:19

that's right. And a lot of the people, you know, don't have the, the wherewithal to do that. They just don't think there's an option. You know, if you're, you know, if you're not, you know, very familiar with the world of health, and you trust your doctor, why would you go to somebody, you know, what I mean? Like, there's a lot of people that don't often see those options, so or know about them. So I would say more. So where we live in, in big cities, there's more options that way, the, the, the different types of healers and such I mean, but, you know, you go to rural Alabama, and you say, Oh, I'm gonna go to a healer. I mean, they'll think you're a little bit nutty, you know? Yeah, you know, you get what I'm saying. Yeah.

Bethany Londyn 7:05

So, I'm curious, how did the passion lead lead to like, hormones? And is that when I'm curious, also, if there's a correlation to you finding that passion to your business expanding?

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 7:18

Yeah, I mean, um, you know, I just found it to be a system that was very interesting, because it's got so many different parts to it. I mean, it's not just the sex hormones, there's also obviously insulin and our glucose and insulin regulation, right. And, but all of these things, really, I mean, and the other part of that is that we've got to a country that's full of, you know, basically a pandemic full of pre and diabetic type two patients, because of how we eat in this country. And how we don't take care of ourselves. I mean, just, you know, I'm a big believer in food as medicine. And if you're eating, you know, two large meals, one of them fast food, you know, daily, I mean, which is what a lot of people have access to, unfortunately, you know, I mean, I think that, you know, you and I both know that our clientele is a little bit more prep savvy and learned in terms of they just are more well educated. in bigger cities, you get, yeah, and open. Yeah, that's a big part of it, too. But, you know, to answer your question, I mean, what really, I think the the key for me is helping people really feel good in their bodies. And we want to do that as naturally as possible. And so there's nothing like helping somebody who has been to three or four different doctors to have them specialists. And the doctors have told them, there's nothing wrong with you. And then they come and they get an evaluation. And obviously, there's something wrong, but it's just again, it goes back to how is the clinician? What are they testing? And how are they interpreting it? I mean, these are all very important aspects of when you see patients, I mean, you know, and a lot of times when you're seeing a doctor, they have their little slice that they're looking at, they're not looking at the entire picture. So, you know, and I was a believer that if you don't ask the questions, you won't know the answers right to patients. So I will spend, you know, an extraordinary amount of time with patients just getting to know them. And, and then if they've had, you know, because I, originally when I first got in the first you know, 10 years of my practice was all like disordered eating. So, that's kind of the foundation anyway, people have a relationship to their food, whether they eat to live or live to eat, right. So it's a specific relationship. And, you know, I don't think that it's any big secret that How many women young and old, and everything in between including men struggle with their body image and with, you know, disordered eating, not necessarily that they have a clinical, you know, disorder like anorexia or bulimia, but maybe falling in between the cracks, and that they just aren't. It's all based on their beliefs. So so when I, my passion is to really help people feel in their bodies, right to reconnect to their bodies, because that's mine, too. I love that. Yeah, no, I mean, that's one of the big things that I was trained in originally, which is the the ability to help people reconnect to their physical intuitive hunger, and there and to know when they're satisfied, because, you know, if you look at when we're a baby, when we're infants, we're all born with this intuitive, intuitive eater. And last, let's just call it I mean, it's a natural occurring phenomenon. Our first experience with food is either the bottle or the breast, which is a nurturing thing. So we have this emotional hunger and physical hunger that is somewhat intertwined. And that generally is, it's pretty well, I would say, set intuitively until the child becomes socialized, or there becomes environmental, or cultural, but environmental influences that cause them to start to use food. Or there might be a power struggle with the parent. That's the other thing too, that when parents, you know, try to control the food of their kids too much that can create problems. So and then

Bethany Londyn 11:43

I'm like, I'm just thinking of a baby crying means feed it correct, which maybe they're communicating that they're hungry, but maybe you're also just trying to shut them up, quote, unquote, you know, by here's some food. So that's, I can see, it's generally emotional stuff.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 11:58

Yeah. And then also, you know, the idea, that's what I would tell my patients, you know, when they when you were little, you cried, when you were hungry, you push the bottle or breast away when you were done. I mean, that's when, you know, when babies are done, because they just don't eat anymore. Right? I mean, so but we lose that, we lose that. I mean, I can't tell how many people that I see. And they come in, and they're like, Yeah, I want to plan I want to be able to know what to do what to eat. And it's not that I don't provide that because people need guidelines, and they need boundaries, but it's more about helping them just reconnect. And I can say for myself that just through my training, it changed my life. Like, I never thought about, am I how hungry am I? Where am I at I use a hunger scale. So I use the zero to 10 like a pain scale, you know, same numbering zero to 10 zeros, ravenous 10 is sick full. And it it literally took me a few months to kind of tune that in and sort of hone that tool. But it literally changed how I ate because I was brought up, you know, in the Midwest, we ate three big meals a day. It was just breakfast, lunch and dinner, and you kind of got what you could get in those meals. So I was accustomed, it was just a habit to, you know, eat until I was full or some people have clean the plate, you know, clean the plate, the starving kids in China. Yeah, yeah, you know. Yeah. And waste. You know, there's a lot of reasons why people learn to overeat. And then just being in America, you know, we have such huge portions. So there's, there's food everywhere. The availability is great. Now, some people grew up with scarcity, right with food. And so then they're exempt carry that on. In fact, I'm thinking of someone in particular, who he grew up that way where there wasn't always there wasn't food security in his home, because his mom wasn't the best provider that way. And so to this day, if there's like a buffet, or there's all this food, he just over eats, I mean, he eats until he can't eat anymore. And even though you intellectually maybe can become aware of that changing that pattern requires tools, and it requires also, obviously, the consciousness and the mindfulness to do

Bethany Londyn 14:15

so. Yeah. You work with a lot of men most curious.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 14:19

I do. I do. I work with probably about 40% men. 60%. Wow. And then yeah, okay. They don't talk about it as much. I think, you know, yeah.

Bethany Londyn 14:30

So how do you end up with all your clients is it made basically word of mouth?

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 14:36

Oh, yes. Yeah, sorry about that. Yeah, it is all word of mouth. I've actually never really advertised or anything. I mean, I have entire families like that. Because, you know, it's like, I want you to see my mom and I want to see my sister and I find that to be, you know, the best way that's really how I've built it throughout. Over the years, because I worked with alongside doctors for nearly, you know, 20 years, while not, I mean, almost like 1516 years, and then I went off on my own and in around 2014. And, and it's, it's been, you know, that's been a whole learning experience, you know, going from being inside of practice and being part of a team to be the one in charge, right. So I do have a physician that I have as a supervisor, right, so we do chart reviews and such, so I can do all the things that I like to do. But, like, order blood, and, you know, obviously, we can do prescriptions for them if necessary. But the truth is, is that it's, um, you know, every, every patient is different. And, you know, I wouldn't say that the majority of my patients are, you know, probably, I mean, if you're, like, a median is probably anywhere from 35 to 65. And men or women that are just looking to be healthy, or some people are sick, but you know, or they come in with diagnosis, but a lot of people just are, they're not getting the answers. They're not getting, they feel like something's off. They know, their bodies. That's the other thing is like, I really do trust my patients, you know, like, they they've had doctors tell them, Oh, it's all in your mind. And when I tell No, it's not, you know, and they, they'll be in tears, because they feel like, oh, my gosh, I knew something was, you know, off? Again? Yes, yeah. And because, you know, I know my body, you know, your body. I mean, and maybe, you know, women are, I think men are fairly tuned in, but I think women are maybe a little bit more tuned into their bodies, just because, you know, we have monthly cycles, there's more to tune in about. We just have more complex hormone system. So, you know, I think that there's a lot of elements involved in, in treating patients, and no two people are alike. I think that's the bottom line.

Bethany Londyn 17:07

So I'm curious about your journey of starting. So leaving the team to starting on your own? Did you just start reaching out to people? How did what was that process like?

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 17:18

You like building it? You mean, my practice? Yeah. In fact, while I had been working in the Palisades for about six years running, sort of in charge of this doctor's program and performing program, and I saw a lot of nutrition and hormone patients there, and I had wanted to leave for a while. It wasn't the best, healthiest environment. You know, there's always something in environments we can go in. And, and it just was like, it happened over a weekend where I just finally just made a decision. And I did have a friend, like a colleague who wasn't, didn't have a practice, and he was sort of an independent MD. So I asked him, would you be my supervising physician, and, you know, work with me with these patients? Because basically, I had all these relationships with the patients up in my practice in the palisade. So I essentially called them all and, you know, that Monday and said, Listen, I've left I'm no longer there. And I would love to continue to work with you. So I really did bring that clientele with me because I had been working with them for six, seven years, because you

Bethany Londyn 18:31

have like a braking or turning point for that, like that leap.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 18:35

I did. I took good. I had just finally had, you know, it was just enough. And there were other Kasmin it's all silly drama. But I mean, I just didn't want to get involved in it. You know, I just, I was done. And, yeah, when you have somebody that you're working with, that you've really supported, I mean, truly, you know, I did all I could to build that business and did a great job. But, you know, when somebody starts to try to undercut you and starts, you know, canceling appointments and things like that, it just was like, What am I doing here? You know, and, you know, people got egos, they've got issues whenever. And I, you know, I just decided that's enough. And, and it literally was so funny, because that weekend, I was just telling this to one of my clients who I recommended this particular book to. There's a famous book, it's her name is Pamela grout, I believe, and she wrote ro e squared. Have you heard of that? Yes. It's

Bethany Londyn 19:34

great. I know that name. Yeah. Great. But I read both of them.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 19:38

Yes, though. She has because she has a follow up to that. Yeah. And it's a great book for people who don't understand the concept of manifestation, right? I mean, that's why it became a New York Times bestseller me I thought it was spelled out so I had given it to one of my clients actually, I told him to, you know, get the audit download the audiobook last week and, and I was telling them, you know, that weekend And I did one of the first exercises that I did was in the, in that book and it was, like, I wrote in there to, you know, have my own practice. And it was like it all transpired within like, a few days. So, yeah, that I know. So it was that was a quantum leap that, you know, yeah. Even though I was thinking, Yeah, I want to get out of here, I didn't, you know, it just kind of happened. And so I just, you know, in all the things came into place, I was able to find a, an office to sublease to start seeing patients and then it from there, it just grew. So I was very fortunate, and even some of the patients that didn't come with me or, you know, follow me ended up following whether it was a year or two later. Because they knew that, I mean, they really did value what I did, and how I worked. And I really focus on the relationship with the patient. And I'm, I'm a good listener, and I also know what I'm talking about. So, you know, I think that trust is an important part of this, right? You know, anytime you see somebody that you know, especially when you're dealing with their their vulnerabilities, whether it be physical health or emotional health, yeah.

Bethany Londyn 21:15

I feel like sharing this, I heard this, I think it was yesterday, and I loved it. Because as an energetic healer, you know, service you are, you and I are both offering services. So but there's also the back end of servant or servitude. So service, apparently, I'm like I love is, is the energy of love and joy. Because you don't even know that you're in service when you're doing it. It's just like, so natural and beautiful. And when you're in service from like, a forced place, it's more of the servant energy or the servitude. And so that's like energy that needs to be cleared. Because

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 21:50

yes, yeah. 100%

Bethany Londyn 21:52

I couldn't agree with that. That was so cool. Yesterday, when I'm like, Yes. I love that.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 21:55

Yeah, I mean, I think that you can, I mean, you can attest to your own when you're in your zone, so to speak. It's like no time, right? So people

Bethany Londyn 22:07

are feeling that love from you. They're feeling that compassion from you. So from that, I can see why why it would be so expansive.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 22:13

Yes. Yeah, that that is that's, I mean, you have a client that you connect with that way. It's like, that's invaluable currency. Because it's authentic. Right. And it's, it's, it's not about getting anything back. You know, it's really truly about offering up what you can by being a receptacle to listen and to understand and to have empathy, but then also to help them affect change if need be. So I think that that is love and joy. Yeah, you know,

Bethany Londyn 22:47

and practice is so good. Well, and like she's built this beautiful business, thriving business. And she's done it with not through social media, like, I now think I looked at, I looked at her Instagram, I don't think she's posted in like, a year two or three, two, I don't know while

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 23:06

Yeah. And some time, although I'm supposed to be doing that more. Like, you know, my girlfriend reminds me just do it every day, like after you see a client's you know, and I think it's good to keep that connection with people like that. And, you know, keep keep yourself up to date. But you know, because there's so much to share. It's just that I'm often seeing patients fax back all day.

Bethany Londyn 23:31

So nice. And I'm really looking to portray to whoever's listening that like it, how natural it is. Yeah, how natural it can be.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 23:41

Oh, my God, no. So natural. I mean, the quantum leaps, right? In business, and building and expanding. I mean, it really, I think one of the most important things I was interviewed not too long ago for this online magazine, they were asking me, what is advice? What were three things you would give for advice to new, someone who's starting their own business or someone who's building something. And one of the first things is love what you do, you know, I mean, really love what you do, if you don't have a vested interest in what you are, you know, providing or selling or involved in, you know, that's, it's gonna fall flat, make people feel that. So having a passion. You know, that seems obvious, but a lot of people don't follow that, you know, they're looking to make more money in a particular job because of you know, it's a higher paying job. But if you're, you know, so I think that that's one thing. I'll tell you the other two if you want it to the second thing,

Bethany Londyn 24:45

I'm like, I'm going to ask my own version, so we'll see if it all lines up. Okay, it does, because I always ask what is the quantum with three keys? Do you ever do you have that? So enjoy? Yeah. So you're just ahead of the game. It's beautiful. You're so intuitive. For

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 25:01

those that love what you do, the second one is do what you say you're going to do follow through with tasks, like really, you know, be authentic to your word. I mean, I think that, you know, whether that's, you know, if you have a client, and then you, you know, making sure you do follow up and say, you know, saying thank you, or, depending on what your business is, for me, it's all about how is how are things going. Any issues, any changes since we last met, but those are the most important things. I mean, people really do appreciate that, that, so, you know, staying true, like, just follow through, you know, don't leave things open ended, really keep that. And I had to learn that too. I mean, in terms of running a business, you know, that didn't come naturally. I mean, you know, a lot of people who are in our field of health or wellness or healing, we don't know, we don't have business skills. I mean, you know, that necessarily, we spent a long time practicing and learning what we're doing, it's a different world, it's like, almost like new things, you know, so I've had a lot of mentors along the way, to help me learn skills, like kind of keep my clients, you know, on a rotating schedule, like, calendaring them to make sure that they're coming back regularly, etc. And so that's part of it. And then the third thing is, I think is be willing to ask for help. You know, that's, you know, I have kind of learned in my own process in the last, especially the last five to six years, you know, delegating, when I, when I built my business, I really built it myself. And so, you know, I had to instead of having like, the office lady scheduled the appointment and this and then I had to do all the bookkeeping, I had to do everything. And so you know, that learning that and doing it yourself, you got to do that, right, initially, to know what what's going on in your business. But then you at a certain point, in order to grow, you have to ask for help, right? And you have to delegate and that was hard for me. I mean, that was not an easy task, because I was a control freak about getting things done, right. And also, my patients are like my babies. So like, I'm like, I don't want anybody to, like, say something wrong, you know, or totally. So that was a process and even my first assistant that I was working with, she said, You don't let go. And let me just trust me a little bit. And she helped me because she could see I was withholding a little bit. So that that was big for me. And I don't think that that is an easy thing for a lot of people is just, in general, I mean, to ask for help means that you're vulnerable, um, whether that's in business or in personal, and your personal life. So those are my top three things. I think hard work, you know, it's part of that following through,

Bethany Londyn 28:00

you know, through knowing I love that, I think it's important. I have a huge thing of also, if someone comes to me, I reach out. Like, I figure there's a reason that, like, their name just popped into my head, so I'll just reach out.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 28:15

I agree. 100% I don't know. It's all the time. That's energy. I mean, yeah. You know, it's a signal people emit signals. I mean, I happens to me 10 times a day with patients. I'll be thinking about, I gotta get a hold of them their charts on my desk. And I'm like, they text me. Yeah.

Bethany Londyn 28:33

Energetic calling. I love it. Today calling. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Um, let one last question I have for you. Because I think it's always just so fascinating, is I'm curious how your childhood supported you in where you're at right now?

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 28:49

Oh, that's a good question. So my childhood supported me. Well, I think that it's interesting. I have two brothers. And we're all in the service industry. And which is interesting. I mean, we grew up my father owned a grocery store. And so we we did work in his store from young age. So, you know, I mean, that's just sort of logistically, I'm thinking that that I learned about service and customer service, and being of service and it was definitely my nature. I mean, not everybody is cut out for that, trust me. There are people that should not be you know, interacting with patients, you know, but they're great at doing other things. Right. You know, and but I also think that you know, I grew up in a like a lot of Americans do you know somewhat dysfunctional family but also traditional that my father worked, my mother was at home. There was definitely some alcohol abuse in my home. So that created a sense of, I think anxiety it and insecurity and myself and just also that, you know, if you, if you look into I mean, people listening I mean, I've done so much work in this area and have, you know, obviously like being a child of adult child of an alcoholic, you learn that it's hard for us to ask for help, because we had to take care of everything, and manage ourselves when we were growing up. So to give that power up, it's also hard. So that was, that's part of why I think my my path was to learn to ask for help, and not say, I can handle it. I've got it. I hover, do you know. And I also reprogram my thinking, because when you grew up in an alcoholic home, you're always waiting for the other shoe to drop. I mean, it's just kind of how people grew up. And if you doubt, yeah, I love that. And if you've grown up that way, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You can't really express that to explain it to people who've never experienced it, because it's just their normal. And so that's, that's where I had to reprogram, like, you know, and learn to, like, be okay, with like, that things were going well, and that I was feeling good for a long periods of time and not having to self sabotage, or have things expect things to fall apart. Right? Right. So those are, those are pretty big influences. But if you can identify those patterns, if you will, or learned behaviors, you can shift them, that's where you come in to, because you can really clear out some of the old beliefs and patterns. You know, it's I think that our all of our choices are based on that. You know, what are what are our underlying beliefs and values? Right? Yep. Yeah. So cool. Yeah, he's

Bethany Londyn 31:55

are sharing that. I'm like, yeah, yeah, I was married to an alcoholic. So that's how I know that one.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 32:01

Oh, so you know, you know, the hostage? Yeah, so fun. Yeah.

Bethany Londyn 32:07

So, so many lessons learned.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 32:11

Yeah. So grateful. And that's the thing. Yeah. You just want to keep learning. I mean, I do. I mean, I will. I'm just Yeah, I am insatiable that way. And I feel like, some days, I don't know anything other days, I feel like, wow, this is what wisdom is, like, you know, as you get older, like you actually understand wisdom, because you wouldn't have the knowledge without having now all those years experience. So yeah, but you just have to, you know, keep pushing forward. And I think all about, you know, paying attention to your inner voices, like your inner talk, self talk, because most people, if they are aware of it, they don't do anything, but just listen to it. Right. And, you know, even when I was, you know, when I worked with people with eating disorders, I use the model of the little child and us, okay, yeah, like that, our little girl or little boy that, you know, they're doing a behavior to cope, because they learned that as a way to cope, but as an adult, it's no longer working for us. Right. So, but they yet they keep fighting themselves in the same situation over and over. Because they say, Well, yes, I know this, but it's because they have no tools to deal with that. So it's literally, in my experience, it's about developing a relationship to that part of yourself. Because for years, in my own experience, I tried to get rid of that. That voice, like I wanted to cut it off or get rid of it. But that's not the I had to actually sit down with it and say, okay, look, we got it. That's right. That's right. No. It's powerful stuff. Powerful stuff.

Bethany Londyn 34:01

Totally love the inner child work. Yeah. Well, thank you. I think you guys can all see what a caring, compassionate soul Heather is and why she affects so many people in such beautiful ways. Thank you. And yeah, I'm so blessed to have you on the show today.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 34:21

It's so great to be here.

Bethany Londyn 34:23

I mean, I think we covered all of it quantum leaping in business and life. That's what we're all about.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 34:27

Yeah, just quantum leaps, believe in that. I mean, there's, you don't

Bethany Londyn 34:32

have a huge part of it right there. Believe in it.

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 34:35

Yeah. Don't think about how it's going to happen. Just believe that if you can see it, right. And you can, you can feel all the aspects of what that is going to be like. It can happen in a day or a month or a week. I mean, there's no limit and you don't even have to know how, because the universe will take care of that right?

Bethany Londyn 34:59

Yes. infinite possibilities in every moment so great good all right well you are amazing

Heather Fitzgerald R.D. 35:08

thank you so much for having me it was so fun

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