11-11-19 Get Aligned Now Book Launch Incentives!
Today is the day, I AM SO EXCITED!
Whoop Whoop!! GET ALIGNED NOW has released and is now available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in e-book and paperback versions. Hardcovers will only be available at the book launch happening TONIGHT in Los Angeles and there are still tix available!
As soon as I recognized that I had been numb for who knows how long and the phenomenal benefits of listening to my body, I knew that the message had to get out. This book has been an ongoing process for over four years so you can imagine how happy I am to finally birth this baby today!
Here's what you accomplish with Get Aligned Now: Free Your Mind Through Body Intelligence, the Path to Achieve Aligned Results:
- Learn how to listen to your body for guidance
- Re-calibrate your life supporting to balance
- Clean up chaos to experience harmony and bliss
- Know how to be firm and decisive
- Figure out your purpose
- Overcome hardships and feelings of disconnection
- Hack your way to alignment and achieve your goals
- Become aware of your intuition and added guidance
See video below to learn more about the book as well!
I also have some incentives below for you to purchase the book, as I would LOVE your support in making this a best seller, so feel free to share with your friends, communities, and book clubs it's the perfect book for transitioning to a new year- also, these make great gifts for the holidays!
And it's not to go unnoticed that it is Veterans Day today on this beautiful 11/11. At the launch event, we're raising funds for mental health and PTSD which you can also make a contribution towards here. 100% of donations will go towards this local non-profit that a friend works at and has personally seen the transformative magic, Real Care for Wounded Warriors Foundation.
Today, Just Because You're Awesome- Get the Book
Screenshot tagging me on Facebook or Instagram @bethanylondyn and I'll re-post
Get 33% off 7 Week Online Course for Get Aligned Now: Starting 1/20/20
Today, Get Aligned- Order 7 Books
Receive FREE ACCESS to 7 Week Online Course for Get Aligned Now: Starting 1/20/20
Today, Get Me Aligned One:One - Order 15 Books
Receive a One Hour Personal Alignment Sessions with me & Free Access to the Online Course
Get My Friends & Community Aligned - Order 50 Books
Receive a One Hour Personal Alignment Sessions with me & Free Access to the Online Course for 10 of Your Friends
Get My Community & Workplace Aligned- Order 150 Books
I will come do an hour-long workshop during lunch hour (Lunch & Learn) within 1-hour of Los Angeles, Portland, OR, Raleigh, NC, or NYC.
Today, Get my Home/Office/Space Aligned- Order 1000 B
I will come to do an hour-long workshop during lunch hour (Lunch & Learn) within 1-hour of Los Angeles, Portland, OR, Raleigh, NC, or NYC.
See the time-lapse of creating the piece!
Whichever option you choose, just respond with proof of purchase and my team or I will support in getting you your Support Gift!
You guys are amazing, thank you so much for your support, it's amazing! Dreams do happen!
Sending you blessings on blessings! ✨
Bethany Londyn This is not the time to be quiet, I'm on a purpose-filled mission. You can find new regular video's being added to YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. I've also consolidated my feeds so there aren't as many.