Bethany Londyn

Feb 12, 20204 min

If You Could Not Live with Your Own Failure. My flops and how to reframe failure.

I'm an entrepreneur at heart, which means I can be a little risky such as putting myself out there, continually working on getting comfortable in the uncomfortable, and mentally learning again and again how to still thrive through it all.

Similar to actors who go to auditions for ten years before they get their dream gig, I know my truth. I know my purpose because of body intelligence, so I stay focused on my dream of supporting others, being fulfilled, and abundantly rewarded for it. (See a previous article here on body intelligence and sign up for my quiz on the homepage if you haven't received done so already.)

I must mention my book if you want to go even more in-depth on this subject. Get Aligned Now: Free Your Mind Through Body Intelligence the Path to Achieve Aligned Results.

If you feel you could not live with your own failure, we need to reframe the failure.

Reframing definition: Take one perspective of an event or circumstance and shift the perspective to one of positive nature.

In other words, you've heard this before, failure is not an option.

Note these two of many inspiring stories:

Oprah was fired from her TV reporter job because she portrayed too much emotional connection with the people she was questioning. Well we all know what miracles ended up happening here!

Walt Disney ended up being rejected for financing Disney World 300 times before he succeeded as well as being fired initially from a newspaper job for not having an imagination. Look at all the magic he created!

We must remain true to ourselves and our purpose.


1- I encourage you to take a moment to reframe your failures since you hopefully understand how powerful it is to be in the mindset of Failure is Not an Option and find your positive win-wins. Use my reframing definition above.

2- Take every individual failure that you reframed and practice forgiveness with yourself. Write and then say out loud with your hands connected to your heart,

"I completely, absolutely, and lovingly forgive myself for...the previously stated reframed failure."

This statement is also a start for the emotional freedom technique which I sometimes use with my clients if it comes up as something essential to use. Others call it EFT or tapping, we just are leaving out the tapping right now.

OK here are some examples of some of my reframed failures:


MY first big flop was a failure of a marriage. It took me years to realize that I also had to forgive myself for failing the union as well. The benefits of this failure though, have been beautiful. My first introduction to body intelligence was because of my ex-husband!

Now, I am on a mission to support people in learning the voice of their bodies. The mission started mostly because of my failed marriage! I am teaching this to all my clients, speaking about it in high schools, companies, universities, and community events. My failed marriage helped launch my purpose, so I am incredibly grateful for that awful experience.


The second big one was my first startup ShopAddikt. I put all my money into this, along with some of my parents' money as well. I used the time of phenomenal C Suite Execs on my advisory board from some well-known tech companies. I had extraordinary press, such as being on the front page of Bethany Frankel's website.

Everyone loved the concept, yet it collapsed and never became profitable. I ended up in litigation with one of my developers, amongst other messy hurdles. It was pure chaos. Regardless, this experience provided so many lessons and got me excited and involved in the startup scene. I met and connected with a ton of influential people. Since this one, I've been invited to work with many other startup companies. The benefits of the four-year journey with ShopAddikt were endless.


My most recent flop, if you didn't get my email, is my 50 Dates to Love Challenge. The program slated to start today. Although it has been a massive success for my one on one clients, moreover people said they were interested.. NOT ONE PERSON SIGNED UP. I could be completely bent out of shape, but I'm not.

I turned it into a coaching service that I'll now offer to people individually. Although it felt like a failure initially, the landing page that I built has been getting a steady stream of interest from search engine's and my email list has been increasing. These are all great win-wins! Especially for all the future clients who meet their match in this program.

I mean, we can't put a price on LOVE and....

It is through failure that we meet our match.

Observe how I reframed failure there?

So you see, there are many ways to reframe your failures now knowing wholeheartedly- failure is not an option.

There is always a positive perspective and a silver lining. Finding the benefits is something I go through with clients in every session, as it's crucial with my healing and coaching process.

When you do so and then also add forgiveness into the mix, you are expanding your capacity to manifest your desires. They don't always show up in the package that we expect them to. You can see more on this in my previous article from the other day where I manifested a $4 million deal.

Wishing you so much ease in reframing your failures, practicing forgiveness, and lifting your beautiful soul's vibration to its highest potential!



// A B O U T

Bethany Londyn is certified in ThetaHealing® and is a Manifestation Alignment Catalyst Coach who works with individuals, Universities, and companies using intuition, a process that feels like meditation, life coaching, hypnosis, and prayer, all combined, to achieve miraculous results. Also, learn more about her beautiful practice to manifest miracles through her latest book, Get Aligned Now, available in digital and print.

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PS: Also, if you're new to my work or haven’t already, download this FREE “Are you even aligned to your dreams worksheet
