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About Londyn

//BETHANY LONDYN has been internationally recognized for her intuitive master healing services for CEOs & their companies, as well as writing for many media outlets such as ThriveGlobal, YogaJournal, & MindBodyGreen. She holds a container for infinite possibilities supporting clients in staying calm, creative, and high-performing even when growth has plateaued and high-stake decisions feel overwhelming.


Bethany Londyn has been quoted as the Billionaire Catalyst Coach because of her intuitive insight, clarity for inspired action, and opportunity-creating ways. A recent claim to fame was supporting a company in doubling sales from $8M to $16M in two months leading to a sale of the company at exponential growth. 


Her most recent book, Get Aligned Now, guides people to learn how to listen to the wisdom within so they can be their most high-performing selves aligning with actual results like never before.

A Few Testimonials

"I reached out to Bethany for an energy clearing. I had been feeling anxious and "stuck" around certain situations, both personally and professionally. I had never met with an intuitive healer before. I had no idea what to expect. Halfway through our session, I felt a physical release of pressure from my chest. An instant feeling of calm came over me. It was unlike anything I had ever experienced! Bethany had also done a cord cutting for me and I noticed a shift in that area too. The relationship seemed lighter and the heavy sense of attachment was no longer there. And the most exciting part? Not even 5 hours after our session, someone who I had hoped to work & collaborate with, reached out wanting to meet! The shifts & clarity that I have felt since the session are remarkable! If you're looking for an intuitive healer, Bethany is definitely the one to see! Her work is very much needed in the world. I believe everyone could benefit from a session with Bethany! I have so much gratitude for her and what she has helped me clear 🙏." - S. Packard, CEO

"Before the reading I had some insecurities about two areas of my life on which I directly had clarity after Bethany’s powerful session. Somewhere in the middle of the clearing, I started giggling for no reason, as she was working on some of my blocks. Right after that, I had an unshakable confidence in the outcome. Thank you so much, Bethany! I would definitely recommend anyone working with her. It’s instantaneous! I’m forever grateful!" - Kowene

"Bethany is a truly skilled healer. She gets right to the heart of my blocks and offers profound clarity. I could not have shifted the major traumas that have plagued me without her insight. I've worked with nearly a dozen people on these issues and none were as compassionate as Bethany. She provided a safe place for me to be honest and open, completely devoid of the judgement I have gotten from nearly everyone else. If you need someone to hear you, really hear you, and not make it about themselves, Bethany is the coach for you." - Cassie

"I love my weekly sessions with Bethany. No need to wait long for her to put the finger on a current issue I have and simply help to release the pressure. She knows what she is doing and helps me every time, so I keep coming back. Thank you for your help." - Jerome

"Before my session with Bethany, I was a bit lost in where to go in my life. Felt stuck at an emotional level.
I was very impressed by the images that came during the session. It really resonated with me and my story. After Bethany cleared my blockage. I immediately felt a physical and emotional relieve.
I felt really comfortable during the all session. Bethany is a warm, loving soul. I felt the positive energies. She made me realized I was still stuck in the past and since the session I really move on and I’m not anymore afraid of the future. It still unclear where I’m going but I’m confident I will get there, and everything will be alright.
I recommend her. Very insightful!" -Jenart

"I feel such an easy connection with you, I always look forward to our sessions as you are so kind and have such soft loving energy and also because you are the most powerful healer and intuitive of all of class (I always get such good results with clearings). After our today's session, I slept awhile, integrating the downloads! Thank you again and speak with you soon." ~ Private Client

"Talking with Bethany change my life. With everything going on right now, unable to go outside, having to slow down life, etc. I was feeling really stuck and not knowing exactly what my next move should be. Bethany is an amazing reader and energy Chanel, with a beautiful soul. The moment we started talking she told me I had two big rocks on my feet that would not allow me to move. She helped me clear that, and also helped me remember the things I love doing the most, what made me feel joy. I am starting a new art course and hopefully return to my passion, that is creating. I recommend Bethany if you ever need someone to help you look deeper inside you and find out more about yourself, and most important helped you clear your way.  She is an amazing person that  transmits only light and peace." Maria G.


"Bethany is an exceptionally creative, insightful and thoughtful professional. She has a remarkable ability to deeply connect with people and create lasting relationships. An innovative thinker, her unique ideas bring fresh perspective and ingenuity to reframe conversations and explore creative solutions. As a student of continuous improvement, she is constantly looking for ways to optimize mental and physical performance. Beyond this, and most importantly, she is a highest value individual with relentless drive and a strong desire to make an impact" ~ Phil Felice, CEO

"Everyone should know what you are up to right now. It's powerful, it's life-changing, it influences from the core. Not many things have that effect. People need to know about this."

~Paul, Tech Exec​

"Yellow is a new light, a beacon of magnetism with Bethany. She is an example of manifestation and has shown me how to create and manifest in my own life."

~Rojas, Advisor & Artist

"My coaching sessions with Bethany have been nothing less than life-changing. I was feeling stuck and blocked in my life, caught up in the problems not the solutions. After working with Bethany I immediately felt lighter, more energized and focused. She helped me get my “magic” back!" ~Beavers, Interior Design and Real Estate Stager

"Bethany is a gifted coach who gets to the heart of any matter, evoking personal vision and quickly navigating around any barriers until the path ahead is crystal clear." ~Sogn, Top 50 Tech Leader

"I've had 5 random walk-in clients today! I'm freaking out. All thanks to you and your MAGIC. With your support I've more than met my sales goals. I'm so grateful for you. ~ Roulette, Building Sales Manager

"Bethany has opened me up to trusting myself and others, to standing up for my self worth and speaking my truth with healthy boundaries. She’s truly an angel. I more than tripled my income"

~Yad, Real Estate

"Bethany is truly a driving force in everything and anything she does. It is a pleasure to seek her out for guidance and consulting with business matters. She is a force to be reckoned with in her endeavors. I've increased my real estate wealth and my companies using tools taught by Bethany."

~Campos, President of CC

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© 2023 by Londyn Heights LLC.


DISCLAIMER: Bethany Londyn  & Susan Wagner make no guarantees or related to her service. Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager are not a licensed doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, or other licensed professional. Therefore, Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager do not render advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing on this site shall be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager encourage reaching out to the care of a healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager should not be taken as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. 

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