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Maybe I'm not the right choice for you.

You've got to be ready to rock change, ready to have the skies cracked wide open for new possibilities. You just never know what might happen after a session with me.

Usually my clients are in a state of peace, clarity, and excitement.

Then other times you have the bed break beneath you- Talk about a wake up call!

Check out the video here, I was given permission to share this story, don't worry I have client confidentiality, this one was extra special:

I will have an update for you soon, things are powerfully in the works for my beautiful friend and I'm excited to share them when she's ready!

Lesson of the Day: When you desire change and are truly committed to it, know that there may be what feels like insurmountable wake up calls. When you look back you always see how they served you, so why not acknowledge that from the beginning! They pass in the blink of an eye. 

My Challenge To You: Welcome the wakeup calls with arms open wide in the YES position, you want change right? Yes, it can be scary, AND it can be the most amazing ride of your life. Let's do this!

Announcement: Book Launch Happening November 1st- I CAN NOT WAIT! WHOOP WHOOP!

Sending out lots of love!!


Call To Action:

If you are struggling to accomplish your goals, and feel like you have tried everything, yet nothing seems to be working. Click here for WHY you feel stuck!

Reach out for a healing blessing and alignment strategy session and get your discovery going with

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DISCLAIMER: Bethany Londyn  & Susan Wagner make no guarantees or related to her service. Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager are not a licensed doctor, nutritionist, pharmacist, psychologist, or other licensed professional. Therefore, Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager do not render advice or treatment, nor does she provide or prescribe any diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. Nothing on this site shall be construed to constitute healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager encourage reaching out to the care of a healthcare professional if you believe such care is required. Information or guidance provided by Bethany Londyn & Susan Wager should not be taken as a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. 

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